Sunday, September 16, 2012

The life of a night-shifter

I completed 2 weeks of night shifts without DKA, passing out from alow, falling asleep at work....
I have my day time basals pretty well set, and I have been running in the 70 - 80 range while sleeping during the days... thinking I'll turn back the basals just a touch to get more in the 80 - 100 range though.
The nights... oh man the nights!!  Those are a different animal!  I have discovered I have a much more intense dawn phenomenon wwhen I'm awake in the 3am - 7am hours than if I were to be asleep during those hours.  That seems very backwards to me, and I'm still trying to figure it out.  I'm wondering if I need to crank up my I:C ratio for my meal break that's anywhere between midnight and 1:30am - I have been creeping up after that, and can't decide if it's basal or I:C related, but I can't really do a no carb meal in the middle of the night when I need serious carbs, calories, etc. to stay awake at work... it just wouldn't work for me... I need those carbs in the middle of the night to stay awake and functioning.

In happier news, I am now off orientation at work!  WOO!  It doesn't really feel much different though because all my coworkers are GREATand we're always asking each other if anyone needs help with anything... there are always people there to ask questions and help out.  It's a GREAT group of people to work with - no intimidation there at all unlike the EVIL ER I was in for about 6 months...
More happy news - In 6 days, as long as things go well when we meet, I'm adopting my rescue retired racing greyhound!!!!  YAY!!!  Good thing they're known as the "45-mile per hour couch potatoes"... they like LOTS of long naps, so me working night shifts 3nights a week shouldn't be a huge problem - HOPEFULLY...

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